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Top Ten High Paying Google Adsense Alternatives 2013

Want to make some huge money equal to google adsense so here is the article which will help to make
money .Google Adsense by the name we can trust and also we can earn huge income from it but it is hard task to fulfill and follow all the guide lines and privacy policies , If you violate any one of the policy your account simply gets disapproved and some times it will get banned .

Even if you have huge traffic in your site/blog google adsense may not get approved , so by rejecting from google adsense is not a Big problem . Just thing once and apply for Google Adsense alternatives . By the traffic on your website you can get good sum of income from these alternatives .

                               Top Ten High Paying Google Adsense Alternatives : 2013

1. Buysellads

Buysellads is one of the most popular and also best alternative for google adsense . Buysellads is also tough process to get accepted you have to get minimum page impressions .Pageviews must be above 10,000 per month and also you have to own Domain . BSA is a type of Pay per Click system .BSA pays 75% of the share to the user and the rest will handle to buysellads company . You have to provide adspaces in your blog/site and you can sell the space
 BSA payout is minimum $ 50 .

2. Infolinks

Infolinks is pay per click adverstising program In this ad program the some keyword in posts will convert in to hyperlinks and they tag the ad to that keyword . If you huge number of posts and traffic in your site/blog you can earn good sum of money . The minimum payout amount from paypal is $50 .


Media . net is omline advertising programme . This is new advertising programme created by two giant social network sites Yahoo and Bing . Monthly you your site should get huge traffic unless this ad network system will not get accepted . This will contextual ads these ad programme is somewhat similar to adsense programme .


Clicksor based on text ads , pop-ups .It is also good advertising programme . The share of this advertising programme is upto 50% of income. The minimum payout from paypal is $50 .These clicksor ads are popular for pop ups ads . Clicksor is ppv ,ppc and cpm network based . If you are a newbie in blogger with less traffic you can defintly try clicksor .


Chitika is very similar to google adsense network . It is a pay per click(ppc) network . Chitika had mobile ads, Banner texts , Local ads and search targeted ads  . Chitika had an option to customize your ads that's why they are close similar to adsense . These ads can also use along with some other ppc network ads .
Chitika minimum payout is $ 10 , If you want via cheque the minimum payout is $50 .

6.Tribal Fusion 

Tribal fusion is a CPM network . It is good advertising network and many of the bloggers are earning by this tribal fusion advertising programme . Tribal fusion will accept your site/blog only if you have more than +200000 page views per month . So if have more than lakh page views per month then you can simply apply for tribal fusion and earn huge number of money .


Bidvertiser is a Pay Per Click(PPC) network based ad programming system . It does not provide contextual ads and feed ads . Bidvertiser is a good advertising programme and it also provide flash type of ads which will definetly attract your viewiers . Bidvertiser had Mobile ads , Banner ads , Skyscrapper and it have spaces . The minimum paypal amount is $10 .It had cheque and back wire ad network system .


Kontera is ad-text based ad programming system . It is similar to infolinks .This will also add hyperlinks in posts and make them look special , different from other keyword . These keyword tags will be ad and you earn as per Pay Per Click (PPC) programme .This ad programme will provide less revenue when compare to other textual ad companies . Kontera minimum payout from paypal is $50 and we can make pay out from cheque also .


Adversal is most popular adsense alternative . It is CPM network ad based system .Adversal will provide pop-ups and full page banners . In this programme you get benfit when you have more from US , Cannada and more from western countries . Adversal also had PPC type of system .These ads have pop-ups , banner ads , skyscrapper and also leaderboard . The minimum paypal amount is $20 and we can also payout from cheque .

10.Sell your own Banners 

If you have huge traffic then you can simply sell adspace and banners in your site/blog . This one of the best and also huge income process when compared to other alternatives . This ad system can make your own price and you can set time limit for ads also just like make a contract with some product with $30 per month by giving specifications to third party who are willing to buy banners in your site/blog .There also an advantage by this selling banners here the total commission will be yours .

According to the present statistics these are the top google adsense alternatives . I hope i helped for your query .

               If you have any suggestions or any queries please feel free to contact ur or comment below .

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Top Ten High Paying Google Adsense Alternatives 2013 Reviewed by sunny on 06:35 Rating: 5

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