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How To Backup And Archive Your Facebook Data

Facebook - A big gaint social networking site . Where we used to message , share pics , comment on walls and also we provide our personal information . The whole facebook profile consists of information which had been updating from account creation onwards , Just Think if your facebook account get hacked or facebook get some technical problems .In that situation we can't do anything simply our total profile information - messages, notifications , profile information ... will get drained . By the backup your facebook data you can have all the information what you had in facebook account . Here is the tutorial ..

Login To facebook account and click on the Account Settings in right side .

At the bottom of General Account Setting there is option of  Download a Copy click on it .

Then Click on the Start My Archive

After clicking a pop up appears with option password type your password and submit .

Click on Start my Archive

  Process will starts the archive will directly send to your facebook email 

Here work is done , Always backup your Facebook every one or two months backuping of storage will help from loosage of data .   

If you have any suggestions please feel free to contact .

How To Backup And Archive Your Facebook Data Reviewed by sunny on 11:09 Rating: 5

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