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How To Create A Free Blog In Blogspot Platform

How To Create A Free Blog In Blogspot Platform

Blogspot is a free blogging platform hosted by google . Blogspot was developed by Pyra labs and Google bought Blogspot in 2003 . For Newbies blogspot is good blogging platform . When compared to other blogging platforms Blogspot is most popular and widely used platform .

When compare to design it has clean layout and also systamatically arrangement of tabs .

Google also provide Adsense which helps to make money from your blog .

Here is a step-by-step procedure to start a new blog and leads to earn money .

                         Tutorial : How To Create A Free Blog In Blogspot Platform 

           ( For creating Blogger you must have gmail account )

  • Create Title and Address of the blog which will be Domain of your blog as shown below .

  •       After creating Title and Domain , Select your Template in the template section .

  •    After selecting Template , Click Create Blog Option . 
Congos , Job is done you had successfully created blog

I also started my Blogging journey on Blogspot , creating a blog is easy but maintaining it is a difficult task . Always maintain certain consistency in your blog . Keep visiting for more Updates . Share our blog and articles it will be more helpful . 

I hope i helped for Newbies who doesn't have blog or who is looking forward to create blog . If you have  any suggestions or querie please feel free to contact us or comment below .

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How To Create A Free Blog In Blogspot Platform Reviewed by sunny on 02:48 Rating: 5


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks For Landing here Rohith sharma Keep visiting for more updates :-)

  2. Nice blog I like it thank you for sharing us.
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    1. @abhishek singh

      Thank you , keep visiting for more updates .


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